
The spectrum of peace and conflict is rife with inequities. These range from economic to cultural to gendered to technological. They are equally experienced by organizations, individuals, and levels of government; both within Canada and amongst the international community of nations.

Small organizations may be financially poor, yet are unable to implement their powerful projects. Likewise, large organizations may be cash rich - able to implement their projects around the globe - but are virtually bankrupt from an innovations perspective.

One of the international lessons learned regarding technology is that 100% of agencies working in war / post-war reconstruction and development are working with technology that is outdated and isolated. Outdated, meaning that it does not incorporate new tech strategies and architectures, and isolated, in that each party uses a tech system that is internal to that organization and is not intended to connect with the community of actors involved in an area of operation.

This observation is equally relevant in Canada, with each level of government having difficulty communicating and collaborating on relevant projects intended to bring economic development to regions and communities.

At PCP, we have developed solutions that allow parties to communicate, collaborate and collectively succeed, without losing their individualization or information classifications. Our solutions are both hard (hardware, field-ware) and soft (software, cloud-ware) and assist our clients to reach their project aims.